2 Quotes from Girl
Jamaica Kincaid's "Girl" is full of the Mother's intriguing and polarizing quotes. Kincaid emphasizes separation between the Mother's commands and her advice with a semi-colon. The entire work is basically a list of things that the Mother expects from her daughter, ranging from "don’t walk bare-head in the hot sun" to "on Sundays try to walk like a lady and not like the slut you are so bent on becoming". Her commands lie on certain days whereas her true advice is applicable on any day. I feel like Kincaid is getting at the true meaning behind what raising somebody really means. Barking commands and constantly telling an individual what's right and wrong will only stick with that person for one day. It requires no growth from the Girl if her Mother just tells her what to do. Whereas when given advice, such as covering your head when out in the sun is something that has no meaning if she never experienced the heat. Only if she had been sunbur...